Mit der Sharp Pen Software kann ein interaktives Display als Whiteboard funktionieren. Mit Sprachbefehlen können Sie die Pen-Farbe ändern, zur nächsten Seite blättern, ein Blatt ausdrucken und die Pen-Software schließen. Falls mehrere Pens aktiviert sind, steuern die Sprachbefehle Pen 1.
Pen-Software starten
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp to launch Pen Software.
Sie: Alexa, open My Sharp. Launch Pen Software.
Alexa: Launching Pen Software.
Alexa, ask My Sharp to [open / launch / start] "application name"
[Open / Launch / Start] "application name"
Pen-Farbe ändern
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp to change pen color to red.
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp. Change pen color to red.
Alexa: Changing color to red.
Alexa, ask My Sharp to change pen color to "color"
Changing color to "color"
Zur nächsten Seite blättern
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp to move/go to next page.
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp. Move/go to next page.
Alexa: Moving to next page.
Alexa, ask My Sharp to move / jump / go / turn / proceed (to) next [page / sheet]
[Move / Jump / Go/ Turn / Proceed] (to) next [page / sheet]
Alexa, ask My Sharp to [move / jump / go / turn] to next.
[Move / Jump / Go / Turn] to next
Alexa, ask My Sharp to [move / go] next
Alexa, ask My Sharp to advance [page / sheet]
Alexa, ask My Sharp for next [page / sheet]
Alexa, ask My Sharp for next
Zur vorherigen Seite blättern
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp to move/go to previous page.
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp. Move/go to previous page.
Alexa: Moving to next page.
Alexa, ask My Sharp to [move / jump / go / turn] (to) previous [page / sheet]
[Move / Jump / Go / Turn] (to) previous [page / sheet]
Alexa, ask My Sharp to [move / jump / go / turn] to previous
[Move / Jump / Go / Turn] to previous
Alexa, ask My Sharp to [move / go] previous
Alexa, ask My Sharp to go back (to) previous [page / sheet]
Go back (to) previous [page / sheet]
Alexa, ask My Sharp to go back
Alexa, ask My Sharp for previous [page / sheet]
Alexa, ask My Sharp for previous
Das Blatt drucken
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp to print sheet.
Sie: Alexa, open My Sharp. Print sheet.
Alexa: Printing the current sheet?
Sie: Yes.
Alexa: Requesting print.
Alexa, ask My Sharp to print current sheet
Alexa, ask My Sharp to print current page
Alexa, ask My Sharp to print sheet
Alexa, ask My Sharp to print page
Alexa, ask My Sharp to print screen
Alexa, ask My Sharp to print
Alle Funktionen anzeigen [Bild ansehen]
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp to show all functions.
Sie: Alexa, open My Sharp to show all functions.
Alexa: Displaying all functions
Alexa, ask My Sharp to show all functions
Alexa, ask My Sharp to show functions
Show functions / All functions/ Show all
Blatt löschen
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp to clear sheet.
Sie: Alexa, open My Sharp to clear sheet.
Alexa: Do you want to clear the sheet?
Sie: Yes oder No
Alexa, ask My Sharp to clear sheet
Alexa, ask My Sharp to clear
Alexa, ask My Sharp to clean sheet
Alexa, ask My Sharp to clean
Overlay-Board starten
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp to launch overlay board.
Sie: Alexa, open My Sharp to launch overlay board.
Alexa: Launching overlay board
Alexa, ask My Sharp to launch overlay board
Screen Capture und Einfügen auf Pensoft/Pen-Software
Mit Sprachbefehlen können Sie Desktop-Bilder erfassen und sie in die Pen-Software einfügen [Bild ansehen]
You: Alexa, ask My Sharp to capture and paste on Pen Software.
You: Alexa, open My Sharp to capture and paste on Pen software.
Alexa: Capturing and pasting on Pen Software.
Alexa, ask My Sharp to capture [the] screen
Screen capture / capture and paste
Alexa, ask My Sharp to capture and paste
Alexa, ask My Sharp to capture the screen and paste
Alexa, ask My Sharp to capture and paste on Pensoft
Capture the screen and paste
Alexa, ask My Sharp to capture and paste on Pen Software
Capture the screen / Capture and paste on Pensoft / Capture and paste on Pen Software
Anwendung der Pen-Software schließen
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp to close Pen Software.
Sie: Alexa, open My Sharp, close Pen Software.
Alexa: Close Pensoft with save?
Sie: Yes oder No
Alexa, ask My Sharp to close Pen Software
Alexa, ask My Sharp to terminate Pen Software
Meeting beenden
Sie können Meetings per Sprachbefehl beenden. Dieser Befehl trennt das Casting, beendet die unterstützte Sitzung der Web-Konferenz, verlässt die Pen-Software und schließt den Synappx Meeting Assistant.
Sie: Alexa, ask My Sharp to end meeting.
Sie: Alexa, open My Sharp. End meeting.
Alexa: Do you want to end this meeting?
Benutzer: „Yes“ oder „OK“ oder „Go Ahead“.
Alexa: Ending meeting.
Alexa, ask My Sharp to [end / complete] meeting
[End / Logout / Complete] meeting